​Join us today in sharing the burden and the blessing of fulfilling the Lord's vision for a global prayer movement leading to a spiritual revival in every community by clicking the button below (from that link you will click "General" from the Select Fund menu. After entering your payment, in the "Add a note" field be sure to type "Drive Thru Prayer"). Payment will be processed through Trinity SBC.​​
You can also give by mailing a check made payable to Trinity Baptist Church with Drive Thru Prayer in the Memo line to:
Trinity SBC
1100 E. Trinity Place
Casa Grande, Arizona 85122.
What people are saying...
"Thank you for your faithfulness. I just want to let you know there is testimony after the prayers! Praise God for you servants of the Lord!! The work is plentiful but the workers are few! Thank you all and you do make a difference!" ~A.D.
“Drive Thru Prayer is an immediate answer to God’s command to love thy neighbor. Standing there at a car window praying with a person in such need of God’s Grace and mercy - taking their needs to God’s power - is about as loving as it gets.” ~M.T.
Send us an email at info@drivethruprayer.com to join the Drive Thru Prayer Movement!

Our Prayer for You Today
Just a note to say that we are praying for you!
No matter what, our prayers go up to the throne of God.
Come wind, snow, sleet, hail, or rain we know that the promises of God are true, and all of our prayers get through.
By praying with faith, tall mountains will move, for where two or three are joined together in prayer the Almighty answers them in His perfect timing and in His perfect way.
Indeed, the Lord answers our prayers by His grace, holiness, and everlasting love.
We give Him thanks for sending healing and abundant mercies your way.
Your Prayer Request
​“How can I pray for You?” That is the question you’ll hear us ask as you drive up to our amazing team of Prayer Warriors
Why do we ask that question? God answers prayer and our desire is to see the Lord move powerfully in your life! That is why we started this ministry…because prayer touches hearts and changes lives!
If you or someone you know needs prayer, simply reach out to us via the contact information found at any of our DTP sites or fill out the form below.
Philippians 4:6 "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God."